My Favourite Supplement to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle
There are a lot of supplements in the market for natural bodybuilders
My favourite supplement may not be the healthiest but for me suitable to my routine is a good wholesome pre-workout. This is the only supplement I have ended up with in my journey of 8years after a lot of trial and error.
The first supplement that most of natural bodybuilders try is a good quality source of protein which is most of the times whey protein, whey protein, was a love and hate relation, I knew it was good for recovery but taking whey protein my appetite was never suppressed, I would consume unnecessary calories along the way.
Then I was dragged into the cash cow of an industry the bodybuilding industry, for me bodybuilding after losing fat was more of a hobby to stay active and help my body sustain the pressure of my career as a software engineer which if you don’t know is one of the laziest job staying all day on your computers with a lot of mind work.
Then I tried creatine monohydrate and some other version of creatine as well but I ended up feeling dehydrated with cramps, I could have done something wrong as creatine is considered to be one the best supplements well proved but consuming that helped little although I gained some strength.
I had tried L-carnitine and different fat loss supplements to get to the next level of sharpness to what I thought but in the end, everything comes to your dedication in and outside the gym along with the calories.
Why a pre-workout that too with no specific brands?
The primary ingredients in pre-workout are caffeine, creatine and beta-alanine. I am a huge fan of caffeine in terms of its benefit I feel in both my day job along with mental focus appetite suppression and more.
Then creatine is also available in most of the pre-workouts with a quarter to half of the recommended amount which works for me with little of the side-effects as I have mentioned.
Beta-alanine is a fatigue-fighting supplement and makes you last more on your reps it does not improve the strength instead helps resist lactic acid and add in more reps.
Look for these ingredients try it out, I am sure these 3 ingredients will help you also just consume half to one scope a day. For the brand not sponsored but the one that I have used most and many famous bodybuilders use as well is Cellucor C4
After a pre-workout one other supplement, a close second which has worked wonders for me is a good quality fish oil for skin, hair, joints and more combined with green tea you will see the best shine and glow on your skin.
Stay motivated and hustling.