The Fastest Way That Helped Me Lose Weight
Working at a desk job you have to play smart with your cards to lose fat and gain muscle.
I started my fat loss journey 8years ago; it seemed to be impossible for me to lose weight and sustain a certain muscle mass for an extended period.
The Fat that I had accumulated was not a reason for binge eating a single season of holidays, instead, it accumulated over multiple years which I was trying to find a shortcut to lose.
Being naïve in fitness the first thing I search for was losing 8kg in one week or something stupid like that, which by all means is just unrealistic other than being torturing yourself both mentally and physically.
So what happened when I started my Yolo diet (crash diet)
The first day was fine, but I did not feel well It was some military diet or something that I was following over the internet this involved a combination of eggs and some very low sources of carbohydrates. The diet had some 600calories per day and was extremely low for my appetite but that time the motivation was high and I could sustain it for a couple of more days.
Motivation Keeps on getting low each day when the results you feel are not satisfactory, Initially, you would lose some water weight and after that, the results would stagnate on you and you will shoot down like anything.
I had a lot of problems with this approach; I was always hungry my health started deprecating; I started having hair loss, other than that the rest of my day was getting worse by each moment because it was a recent change for me and that too a non-healthy one or I would say non-optimal approach, so my studies and work, etc also suffered.
On top of all this, I was following some hit cardio playlist also along with long strolls and my body started feeling like a burden to me in a relatively short amount of time.
What I did that worked for me in the long run?
Intermittent fasting the single that helped me shed tons of fat rapidly while boosting my productivity and concentration, How I would approach it was instead of having a hard and fast approach of 16/8 hrs which is followed by most of the people I tweaked it according to my body.
I used to have work for most of the daytime where I used to consume coffee this would be 2 to 3 cups, I would reach home go to the gym my HGH (Natural Human Growth Hormone) and Testosterone was at their peak.
Do full-body compound lifts Bench press, squats, pull-ups complemented by some smaller more fine-tuning sets like curls and tricep extensions towards the end of the session this would last anywhere from 30 to 45m.
So my fast would last anywhere between the traditional Fast followed by most of the community of 16hr to 20hr shared by warrior diet another famous but more on the pro side of things.
But sometimes you want even which I tried but doing more of anything is not always the solution and it backfired whenever I tried to extend my fast or do something ludicrous.
So I always used to stick to the basics, and this was the best thing that I found and implemented in my fitness and lifestyle improvement Goal.
With this approach, I had hit multiple times below 10percent body fat and now feel more in control over my body than ever.
This is from a guy who had to invest a lot of time watching YouTube videos on different fitness channels, having a lot of apprentices giving advice reading bodybuilding forums for embarrassingly long times. One key takeaway I would add other than the principal topic you should try out these major and famous techniques, as all humans are different you never know which works.
So take everything with a grain of salt and try what works for you...
Thanks and stay fit and motivated…